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List of grants

1. Centre of Excellence for Discovery and Development of AYUSH Medicines for Cancer Care at ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre (Ref # S-12011/19/2022-SCHEME(COE). Ministry of AYUSH (2024). Role (Dr. Vikram Gota): Principal Investigator
2. Centre for Advanced Research and Excellence in Clinical Pharmacology (Ref # 55/4/13/CARE-CP/2018-NCD-II). Indian Council of Medical Research (2019). Role (Dr. Vikram Gota): Principal Investigator
3. Analytical capacity building for the study of tobacco carcinogen exposures in India (Ref #R01T;W010651-01). National Institute of Health, USA (2017). Role (Dr. Vikram Gota): Co-investigator
4. Precision medicine and Malnutrition‐ A Model based approach to dose chemotherapy in pediatric patients with malnutrition. TMC- Research Administrative Council (TRAC) Intramural Grant (2017). Role (Dr. Vikram Gota): Co-Principal investigator

5. Clinical pharmacology's phase I unit in the ACTREC is accepted for    "ICMR Centre for Advanced Research (CAR) Phase I clinical trials Networks". In addition, our clinical pharmacology lab is considered for undertaking the bioanalytical activities for the projects under the "ICMR Centre for Advanced Research (CAR) Phase I clinical trials Networks". Under this proposal, we have been granted INR. 7.97 crores to further develop the phase I unit. (Dr. Manjunath Nookala)

6. A prospective study to develop and validate point-of-care devices for measuring the levels of commonly used drugs in Intensive Care Unit" is funded by ICMR. The approved funds for this project are INR. 1,15,74,273-00. (Dr. Manjunath Nookala)

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